Stop Motion Animation
A fun activity that allows visitors to bring dinosaurs to life through stop motion animation. We created two panoramic illustrated backdrops of environments with flora and fauna for staging the animations. The two sets come with some DIY vegetation props and a set of detailed plastic dinosaur models. Visitors can choose to use an available smartphone with an animation app on the phone or their smart phone (after they install the free animation app) to record their animations
activity video:
Stop Motion Animation
Stop Motion Animation How-To
Stop Motion Animation Facilitation
Music and Art
age range
Stage for animation (this can be as simple as cardboard and paper or a well crafted panorama stage with images of flora and fauna as a setting for the animation)
Props &
Characters (plastic dinosaurs, sections of plastic grass, colored sheets of acetate for water and DIY or purchased scale trees, etc.)
Smart phones with Vine app installed
Tripods to hold smartphone in place
AC adaptor plug for plugging in the phone
Clapboard for titling videos
Tabletop lamp for illuminating the scene
Assorted colored construction paper
Paper towel tubes
Colored contact paper
Masking tape
safety issues
Animation, Stop-motion, illusion, persistence of vision, diorama, dinorama, smart phone animation, Phi phenomenon
Science Museum of Minnesota